AITA for telling my sister her baby’s name sounds like a dog’s name and now she won’t talk to me?

Choosing a baby name is a deeply personal decision, but it can also stir up strong opinions from family members. One man recently found himself in hot water after his sister named her newborn son “Ruff.”

When he laughed at the name, thinking it sounded like a dog’s bark, the conversation quickly turned tense. Now, he’s left wondering if his honest reaction was too harsh.

AITA for telling my sister her baby’s name sounds like a dog’s name and now she won’t talk to me?

My sister had a baby. I’m happy for her. Her baby’s name is Ruff. It’s Ruff. It sounds like a dog. I thought she was joking and laughed. I was wrong.

She asked me why I was laughing. I said it sounded like a dog barking. “Ruff ruff?” I thought we were laughing, but she got mad. She was angry.

She said I was being disrespectful and that the name had meaning to her and her husband. They love an obscure video game character. I told her that she can name her child whatever she wants, but people will associate it and it might be hard for him in school.

She won’t return my texts or calls. My mom says I should have kept my mouth shut. Am I the only one seeing this?

I didn’t mean to be a jerk, but “Ruff”?! I can’t be the only one who thinks this could backfire. So I told my sister that her baby’s name sounds like a dog’s name. Is she overreacting?

Here’s what people had to say to OP:

Select-Anxiety-1557NTA. Okay, yeah, you could have handled it better but that’s a ridiculous name for a child. I’m already cringing at the jokes that will be coming once he’s older.

“Hi, my name is Ruff.” “Oh, is that because your parents were doing it doggy-style when you were conceived?”

WanderingGnostic Along with a rousing chorus of “Who let the dogs out”.

Speaking as someone whose name is a song cue, the sister is the real asshole.

IamIreneNTA. You gave an honest reaction to an absurd name.

If she didn’t like how you reacted, imagine how she’ll like having to deal with all the school bullying coming this poor kid’s way. :\ I swear some people just don’t think. Kids are not accessories.

booboo773This! I get people want their kid’s name to be special to them, but they seriously need to stop and think about the future. Anything too weird or anything that rhymes with anything bad other kids are going to make fun of. NTA OP. Your sister should get used to this reaction because it’s going to happen a lot.

EmotionalTower8559NTA – but because you ran your mouth you won’t be asked to babysit now. You would have had so much fun with that kid, teaching Ruff to stay, roll over, sit. The possibilities were endless.

StAlvis – NTA.

the name had meaning to her and her husband. They love an obscure video game character.

No, that’s not meaningful. That’s a common interest in something stupid.

And just wildly inappropriate for a human child.

5CatsNoWaiting NTA. It’s a sibling’s job to tell their sib when things have truly gone off the rails. Like this. That poor child’s life will be hell until he changes it. Which he will. He’s going to go under an alias like Patrick after his first week of preschool.

Is their next kid’s name gonna be “Reddy?”

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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