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Man Builds Mini Picnic Table For Squirrels To Eat Their Meals, And It’s So Cute!

This tiny table was created by Rick Kalinowski, a 43-year-old plumber from Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. He loved watching squirrel regulars eat every day, so he decided to build them a mini picnic table to enjoy their food.

“I wake up at sunrise and have done for years, just to feed the squirrels and fill the bird feeders. I make my coffee, put on the morning news and watch everyone eat. I buy a variety of nuts and seeds for the squirrels along with fresh cut fruit, it brings me happiness especially during these uncertain times,” Kalinowski said.

Although squirrels feel comfortable when eating off the ground, that didn’t stop Kalinowski from creating them a slightly more dignified spot to enjoy their meals.

“I built the picnic bench and mounted it outside my living room window on the fence so I can watch the squirrels eat whilst I have my coffee every morning.”

He used some spare wood to craft a tiny picnic table, and then nailed it to his fence. When everything was complete, he even laid out a tasty spread of nuts on the table for the squirrels to feast on.

Now he has guests visiting his mini table twice a day to enjoy tasty nuts he leaves for them. Thankfully, he didn’t forget to take some photos and video of this adorable site, and unsurprisingly they have gone viral.

Here’s video from one such visit:

After all, the tiny table that Kalinowski built was a way of repaying the squirrels for the happiness he’s gotten from watching them in his yard. And of course, the cute squirrels also say thank you in return by their full bellies and happy faces.

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“I appreciate them and they appreciate me,” Kalinowski said.

This is a wonderful idea to bring us happiness and improve our mood as a relaxing escapism during these dark times. If you know someone who needs some inspiration for more productive ways of passing their day, please share this story with them

Source: The Dodo

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