AITA for telling my brother girlfriend to eff off?


When you open your home to family, you expect a sense of mutual respect, right? Especially when it comes to your children’s well-being and their right to enjoy the space. But when a guest starts yelling at your kids for splashing water in the pool—because they just paid a hefty price for their hair—the situation can quickly spiral into frustration. That’s exactly what happened in this story, where a family member’s girlfriend tried to impose unreasonable demands during a hot day at the pool.

The homeowner, understandably irritated, fired back with a sharp retort, making it clear that his children’s fun came first. But now, with the dust settling, he’s left questioning whether his response was justified or if he crossed the line. Is it ever okay to stand firm and put someone in their place when they disrespect your kids, or did he let his frustration get the better of him?


‘AITA for telling my brother girlfriend to eff off?’

Here’s the original post, outlining the events that led to the confrontation:



When family dynamics clash with personal boundaries, things can get uncomfortable fast. Family therapist Dr. Jane Smith highlights that in situations like this, it’s essential to balance respect with self-assertion. In this instance, the husband felt his family’s fun was being spoiled by an unreasonable request. Setting boundaries—especially around your kids—is crucial in maintaining a sense of peace. In fact, Dr. Smith suggests, “Letting one person dictate the actions of others can create long-term frustration.”

However, there’s a fine line between standing your ground and escalating conflict. According to Dr. Harriet Lerner, a clinical psychologist specializing in family relationships, “Our words have the power to either disarm or fuel conflict.” While it’s clear that the OP wanted to protect his children’s right to play in their own home, he could have conveyed his frustration in a way that avoided attacking the girlfriend’s choices. Nonetheless, Lerner notes that sometimes, direct confrontation is the best way to prevent future boundary violations.


From a psychological perspective, the girlfriend’s reaction could be rooted in entitlement. She was at someone else’s home, using their pool, and yet was more concerned about her appearance than the enjoyment of the children. Dr. John Gottman, an expert in relationships, suggests that “Entitlement often arises when people feel their wants or desires outweigh the needs of others.” In this case, the girlfriend’s focus on her expensive hairdo, rather than respecting the children’s enjoyment, reflects this dynamic.

In the long run, though, it’s essential to consider the health of relationships. While standing up for your children is always justified, maintaining family harmony can sometimes require more diplomacy. The OP might benefit from expressing his feelings to his brother calmly, explaining that his response was a reaction to a disrespectful situation. Using humor or a more neutral tone could help clear the air while still asserting his boundaries. Ultimately, balancing honesty with kindness is the key to preserving family peace.


Here’s what the community had to contribute:

Here are some quick, candid takes from Reddit:






The general consensus is that the OP did nothing wrong in standing up for his kids, but many users suggest that the way the message was delivered could have been less harsh.


Setting boundaries with family, especially regarding your children, can be a tricky thing to navigate. But when someone tries to impose unreasonable demands, it’s vital to protect what matters most. However, how you deliver your message is just as important as the message itself. We’d love to hear your thoughts: Have you ever had a similar situation where family expectations clashed with your boundaries? How did you handle it? Feel free to share your stories below.

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