AITA for ruining a proposal?

A Reddit user shared a story about standing up for their girlfriend during a housewarming party she hosted.
After putting in a lot of effort to celebrate her new home, her brother unexpectedly proposed to his girlfriend during the event, hijacking the spotlight. The Redditor called him out for being disrespectful, leading to an awkward confrontation.
Read the full story below to see how the drama unfolded.
‘ AITA for ruining a proposal?’
My girlfriend just bought a house and is so excited. She invited a ton of people over for a housewarming. She put so much work into everything. The house looked amazing, and the food was delicious.
Right after dinner, while my girlfriend was getting dessert, her brother proposed to his girlfriend. I was mad because he hijacked my girlfriend’s event that she worked so hard for.
Before she could answer I told him to sit down and quit being so rude and disrespectful to his sister. He was mad, but his girlfriend looked so embarrassed. They ended up leaving. The party was very awkward after that. A lot of people left early.
My girlfriend’s mom was furious at me, because she wanted her son to stop living in sin and I ruined it. My girlfriend said I was sweet but didn’t need to do that. Her brother texted me calling me a p**ck.
Was I an a**hole for telling them to have some class?
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
[Reddit User] − NTA. It is just plain rude to start hijacking events for your proposal. Oh my sister bought a new house? Perfect situation to make sure it revolves all around my proposal.
Your BIL sounds like a cheapskate who thought he could get away with it. Is he normally so entitled?
Impossible-Peach-985 − NTA. Based off your comments alone. Your gf says she’s used to her family hijacking her events so clearly this is not a one time thing.
It seems her family uses every happy moment of hers to have the spot light shining on themselves. I think all the Y T A comments are weird.
Edit- I meant all the Y T A were weird to me because I assumed everyone was a creep on reddit like me and reads people’s comments. Without the context from OPs comments it does seem like he’s a slight AH instead of looking out for his gf who is always overlooked.
No-Personality5421 − Nta. He tried hijacking someone else’s party, eventually people need to learn you ask before making someone else’s event all about you.
bamf1701 − NTA. This wasn’t their event. If he wanted to propose to his GF, then he should have had the manners to ask permission of the host first as opposed to hijacking someone else’s event.
And of course her brother called you a p**ck – you called out his bad behavior.
Fit_General7058 − Nta. Text him back telling him he’s the cheap p**ck, piggy backing off his sister..
If he didn’t want people to see what a p**ck he is he shouldn’t have tried to use his sisters house, her party, her food, her money, her effort and her hostess ING to cheap out on a proposal to his girlfriend.
barbiesalopecia − NTA. Your girlfriend’s entire family has a history of hijacking her events and you stood up to them.
Her brother was rude to take an event that was about his sister and make it about himself.
Is this the only issue your girlfriend faces with her family?
blackuniverse01 − Lol if I’m being honest I laughed a bit reading this. You’re slightly TA for at least not giving his girlfriend the time to answer his proposal, but you’re sweet for wanting your girlfriends housewarming to go smoothly.
Did your girlfriend even know her brother was going to propose at her housewarming, what if she allowed it? How did she feel with your reaction?
Edit: you know what OP, I thought about it and I’ll take away the “slightly TA” to NTA. I would have definitely done the same thing you did. Props to you
WolfGoddess77 − Info: did your girlfriend know about the proposal? Her brother might have asked her for permission to do it during the party.
Ok_Possibility5715 − NTA her brother should have asked your gf / his sister.
Strange-Courage − NTA since your gf wasn’t mad. There is a right time and place to propose and buddy didn’t get the hint. If you ever plan to propose at someone else’s event ASK THEM FIRST!!
Do you think the Redditor was justified in speaking up to defend the host, or was it inappropriate to intervene during the proposal? How would you handle a situation where someone hijacked a special event?
Share your thoughts in the comments below!