WIBTA if I record the audio of my neighbours having s** and play it back to them?

A Reddit user, frustrated with her excessively loud neighbors who frequently blast music, yell, and even have disruptive, noisy sex, is contemplating a unique form of revenge.
She’s considering recording their loud bedroom activities and playing it back to them through the walls as a way to make a point. Wondering if this plan is justified or if it crosses a line? Read the full story below!
‘Â WIBTA if I record the audio of my neighbours having s** and play it back to them?’
My neighbours are often super loud, blasting music at 2am, yelling, blaring the TV. I’ve gone round various times politely asking if they could be quieter.
We have concrete walls and carpet, so for sound to get through they really have to be loud, which they are. They also periodically have loud s**, with the woman screeching. It’s actually turning me off s**. I find them insufferable.
As petty revenge, I’m considering recording them having s** and playing it back to them through the walls whenever they’re loud, instead of going round to politely request they stfu at 3am.
I feel they know I’m mild-mannered, and they’re taking advantage – that since I’m not a tough guy or something (I’m a young woman), they don’t care. I’m in Australia, and I’m pretty sure that kind of recording is legal here.. WIBTA?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
Danyelz − NTA. Everytime they are loud, record it to have prove.
But also go to their door and press the bell. Press it like ding …… ding …… ding …… ding ….. and so on until they are annoyed as f**k an open the door. And just say “hey I heard loud noises is everyrhing ok?” Play the dumb.
lotty115 − NTA – I’d just go round and interupt them everytime they are having s**
htothesecondpower − ESH. Recording them having s**, then playing it back through the wall is petty and gross. Complain to your management company. ETA: Sub “landlord/cops/authorities” if no management company.
SnakesInYerPants − ESH (edited to change from you’re the a**hole, because they’re definitely assholes too)
Just complain to the cops. Noise laws exist for a reason. Cops exist for a reason.
Don’t involve yourself in “petty revenge” when there are systems and people in place to stop you from pissing off the wrong person and getting yourself beat the f**k up.
JesusMurphy33 − Maybe you’d be an a**hole, I’d do it anyway though, that’d be hilarious!
Cthulhu_Cometh − Seeing as how you went and told them to tone it down various times i’d have to say you would be a justified a**hole. And a hilarious one at that. If i was their neighbor i’d find the loudest porn possible and blast it through a full volume dolby home theater.
Rainforestgoddess − ESH that being said, I understand the temptation. We had neighbours that had loud s** at all hours. One summer day, we and obviously they, had the windows open and the loud s** noises began.
My husband called me to the window and said loudly “hey listen to this! She sounds like a cat in heat and he sounds like a moose!” we heard the window slide shut and they never bothered us again.
BreadyStinellis − You’re too nice.Call the cops every time they break the laws on loud noises (there have to be laws about this, it’s likely around 10pm-7am).Recording them having s** is weird, just be a nuisance in another, almost more petty way, by sending a cop to their door every night.
LoveLaughGFY − NTA. It would work but it could give them a way to be self-righteous victims about it all. An alternative would be to just find a super raunchy vid on a free porn site with some hella loud gross stuff and play it loudly at them instead while they’re doing it.
Leinadro − Do you have noise ordinance or public disturbance laws? If so go that route first.
Would this bold approach get the neighbors to tone it down, or would it escalate the situation further? Is there a better way to handle excessively noisy neighbors? Share your thoughts and suggestions below!