My (f 25) boyfriend (m 27) got angry when I asked him if I could put a face mask on him.
A 25-year-old woman recounted an unsettling experience with her boyfriend when she casually asked if she could put a face mask on him while they were lying in bed together. What she expected to be a fun, light-hearted moment quickly turned sour when he responded angrily, accusing her of calling him “a bitch.”
Despite her apology, the rest of the evening was filled with tension and discomfort. She feels hurt and confused by his reaction, as she intended the gesture to be sweet and playful. Now, she’s struggling to understand why he reacted so negatively.
‘ My (f 25) boyfriend (m 27) got angry when I asked him if I could put a face mask on him.’
My (25F) boyfriend (27M) got really angry when I asked him if I could put a face mask on him, and I’m still trying to figure out why it upset him so much. We were just lying in bed together, and I was applying a face mask to myself. I thought it would be fun to include him, so I casually asked, “Can I put some on you?” I didn’t think it was a big deal at all.
In fact, I thought it would be a sweet, fun thing to do together. But instead of laughing or playing along, he immediately scowled at me and raised his voice. He said, “Do I look like a bitch to you?” I was taken aback, honestly. I didn’t expect that kind of reaction at all.
I immediately apologized, saying “No, I’m sorry,” because I didn’t want to make him upset, but I didn’t really understand what went wrong. I just thought it would be something light-hearted. The rest of the night, though, was really awkward. He seemed visibly irritated, and he kept glaring at me, even though I tried to lighten the mood and make him feel relaxed again.
His whole demeanor was colder, and I could feel the tension between us. I tried my best to stay calm, but I honestly felt like crying. It hurt to be treated that way by someone I care about. I don’t like being talked to like that, especially when I didn’t intend any harm.
What’s frustrating is that I didn’t mean to emasculate him or make him feel bad in any way. I genuinely just thought it would be something fun and cute. But now I’m left feeling confused. Why did he snap at me like that over something so insignificant? Am I just being too sensitive? I really don’t know how to process this. It hurt my feelings more than I want to admit. I just wanted to share a silly moment with him, not make him feel uncomfortable.
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
FluidProcedure − ‘do I look like a b**ch to you?’ ‘Prior to that comment, no. Now? Absolutely.’
abeazacha − I hate to be talked like this by him So this isn’t a first time issue. Sounds like you need to rethink things if something as simple as a face mask end up with you on the verge of tears and he not even acknowledging how he overreacted cause that doesn’t sound healthy.
snailfighter − A simple, “no thank you,” should have been sufficient.
littleserpent − You aren’t just being sensitive, your boyfriend is just insecure and has a fragile ego.
Lilcheebs93 − Imagine getting legit angry because your gf asked if you want to try a face mask with her. **YIKES**
[Reddit User] − I had a couple female friends that asked me this, I said hell ya and enjoyed my baby smooth skin for the next week Edit: So I think we’re getting close, one of them brought up that they’re pretty sure it was cactus based, so we know it was an expensive brand that was possibly cactus based, I’m still searching though! I won’t let you guys down!
Edit 2 Electric Boogaloo: So after more deliberations with the council we’ve reached these clues. 1: It was Expensive. 2: It was cactus based (Probably). 3: It made our skin tingly
More clues are being searched for as we speak!
Edit 3: Ok sorry for the long update, it was late here so I just woke up! After more deliberation with the council of skin care, we’re pretty sure we’re close, we’ve narrowed it down to two stores, one local made health products and one bigger chain store, we’re going to go to both today and see if we can find it!
deadeyes2019 − You’re not being sensitive, your little b**ch boyfriend however….
Spock_Rocket − Think about that statement. Him having a face mask put on would make him “a b**ch.” But you had one on. So you’re “a b**ch” to him. And HE is the one pouting and angry? F**k that guy.
bubblegrubs − You know that toxic masculinity thing people keep talking about?. This is it. He’s so sensitive about anything feminine being associated with him that he snaps and treats his gf like crap for asking to do something that I think almost every girl I’ve ever dated or even hung out with in a friendly way has asked me in some form, either to put lipstick on me,
paint my nails, facemask etc They’re trying to share something they enjoy and asking you to shrug off oversensitive male ego crap. At the *ver* least I would expect any reasonable guy just to say no because it made them uncomfortable… but to actually snap at you and ruin a good vibe because of it? Your bf sounds like a moron and an a**hole.
Most of the time I say no, but I’ve never been such a lil b**ch that I got upset about it. That’s what makes him pathetic, the way he reacted. I’d call him out on it, tell him it was completely uncool to speak to you that way and that he needs to have a think why he’s so insecure that he took a harmless thing like that the way he did.
Think about it this way, he must think you’re really f**king pathetic if something you do for fun is so horrifically insulting to even suggest doing in a playful way. In my opinion this is the tip of the iceberg and you could probably do a lot better.
InterestingOwl7 − Get him some bicycle grease that’s what real men use for the face mask how you don’t know? :@. But honestly I think he doesn’t deserve you. If he raises his voice on something like that and makes your upset for no reason and is so insecure at age 27… S**ew this guy
What do you think might have caused his reaction? Was it the suggestion of putting a face mask on him, or was there something deeper at play? How would you navigate this situation and discuss the misunderstanding? Share your thoughts below.