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15+ Pics That Honestly Show What Life Is Like When You Have Cats In The House

Cats are fluffy weirdos who will never let us grow bored. Not only are they cute, they’re also fiercely independent, curious, and loyal — and can make great companions. Also, many scientific studies have shown that cats may make our lives happier and healthier. Although they might be mischievous at times, and they might love to destroy everything in your house for no particular reason, that’s entirely part of their charm — and a big reason why we love them so much.

There’s no question that cats are a popular choice for pets and having a cat is great. So, we’ve selected 17 cat pics that perfectly illustrate the life of having cats in the house. We couldn’t stop laughing at the lovely heroes of our compilation, and we hope they will put a smile on your face too! Scroll down to see!

1. “My cat is trying to distract me from work, as usual.”

2. “Our large boy teaching our new small boy how to cat”

3. “I’m cat-sitting this guy, and I think he broke.”

4. “Peace was never an option.”

5. “How my friend’s cat asks the other cat to get off the stand”

6. “The Lord of the house is pleased that I can stay home and serve him all day.”

7. “At least one of them tried to be photogenic…”

8. “Mama was putting the puzzle pieces away. Here’s what I think of that!”

9. When your cats are plotting something and you can only guess what it is:

10. “All the normal cats out there, and I find him…”

11. “When your mom says you’re not allowed on the counter”

12. “Feeding time was an hour ago, Jessica.”

13. “Sandwich only sits with my wife, but I think I found a way to beat the system.”

14. “They heard the sound of a can opening.”

15. “I get an hour to myself a day. I just wanted to lay down and watch TV. This is my exact view.”

16. “We got a pet cam to check in every now and then. Tuned in today to see this.”

17. “My cat turned 3 and she was not impressed with the celebrations.”

Do you have pets? Do they do funny and silly things? If you have pictures of those scenes, please share them with us in the comments below!

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