13-Year-Old Girl’s Captivating Rendition Of “Time To Say Goodbye” Left Judge In Tears


13-year-old Solomia, from Ukraine put on an unforgettable performance at the 2015 Voice Kids Germany. With her rendition of Andrea Bocelli’s “Time to Say Goodbye,” she moved the judges to tears. Despite her appearance as a regular teen girl, Solomia’s remarkably mature and powerful voice came pouring out.

Taking on an Andrea Bocelli classic is a huge challenge, but Solomia flawlessly captured the emotion of the song, leaving both Judge Lena Meyer-Landrut and many members of the audience struggling to hold back their tears.


Since her performance was first uploaded on YouTube, it has amassed over 107 millions viewers. You can watch the incredible performance for yourself below.


“Time to Say Goodbye”is notoriously challenging to sing, especially when compared to the legendary Andrea Bocelli’s original version.

Solomia’s talent was evident from the very beginning, as Judges Meyer-Landrut and Johannes Strate turned their chairs before she even finished singing her opening line. By the time she reached the iconic chorus, even Judge Mark Forster was won over and turned his chair.


Throughout her performance, Solomia maintained composure, but once she finished, her shock and emotions overflowed, exclaiming “my god!” The audience responded with thunderous applause.

Her captivating performance quickly spread across various YouTube channels and garnered thousands of positive comments from viewers.


A person wrote, “I truly believe there are no perfect things in this messed up world we have. However, I do believe this is the most perfect performance regarding singing I have ever seen, the best, absolutely perfect in every way, shape or form. Don’t know how, but I cry every time I hear it, I can’t hold myself, it’s just top of the universe. Thank you, Solomia!”

Another also added, “I cried as she conveyed all her emotion in her singing. interesting: on stage, she looked quite mature, but off stage I realized how young she is.”


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